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Showing posts from August, 2019

comparison is the thief of joy

It really is. Comparing ourselves to anyone else (usually someone happier/prettier/more successful than we are) never ends well. This is made even harder by the internet because sooo many posts are tailored to look 'just so'. No stretch marks, no blemishes. Just perfect pictures that have been altered and 'filtered' to death. No one looks real any more. I'm one of the worst for it because I hate my natural pictures so I always filter them. The things one can do with Samsung "beauty face" is just amazing. I look awesome in the pics I post. Not so in real life. And that's why comparing is such a bad idea - because I don't think we compare ourselves to what's real any more. We compare ourselves to someone's 'best' bits. OF COURSE we're going to come off badly. No one posts/discusses their 'worst bits' nowadays so comparison is only going to lead to feeling sad. Feeling jipped, jealous and ripped off. It's no goo...