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Showing posts from December, 2019

Christmas 2019

Alun has been deeply unhappy leading up to Christmas. He always is. This year though, it's been a lot harder as I lost my job and my confidence - and Alun started taking his grief over the loss of his best friend and turning it into a torrent of anger towards me. He doesn't act like this normally, and it's been hard being called "dickhead" and "knob head/knob chops" by an angry and awful version of the person I love most in the world. Alun doesn't normally take his sadness out on me and I am normally in a stronger/happier state so I can take whatever he dishes out with grace, kindness, patience and love. Not this year. It's all been too much these last few months. I've dealt with 3 months of bullying from "Tina" in the job I thought I loved. When someone bullies you, your entire job becomes a battlefield and I started to dread going into work. The things Tina said to me and the way she treated me was pretty awful but what ...