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Showing posts from November, 2010

and then, we move on...

Sometimes moving on can be so hard. I remember last year when I got "released" from hospital. The fear of leaving that safe trauma ward was awful. I hated thinking "oh I'll be on my own and I still cant walk"...but you know what? we move on. We move on from petty fights with friends, from stupid family things, from broken hearts and crap days and we hope for better things. Im blessed because I'm experiencing those 'better things' right now, actually. Think about it, Im at work (so Im thankful for a job), I have the world's most amazing people as my friends (seriously, all my friends are worth their weight in gold) I have a safe home, lots of food and money... and I have an amazing boyfriend. Alun met up with me yesterday at the Royal on a sunny, warm Perth day. He had something in a huge shopping bag and held it out to me with an excited grin "OMG Janet - open it, you're gonna LOVE it!" and the smile on his face r...

10th November - my wedding date.

Today is my 2nd wedding anniversary without Jon. This year, Im more able to accept it. Last year, I was running from it. I ran all the way to a nervous breakdown and a horrific quad bike accident. Odd the way 'just another day' can actually be really hard to get through. I texted Jon last night. First of all, just "hey - how you doin'?"...Jon texted back "yeah good. u?" and I texted "on the whole, pretty blessed. Finding tomorrow hard for obvious reasons. should be just another day but cant seem to stop hurting over it. Hope you'll have a good day. Thinking of you" and didnt hear back from him. Just texting though seemed to take such a weight off. I'd been up most of the night tossing and turning and worrying so once I'd texted Jon - it didnt seem to matter if he texted back or not, I just needed HIM to know I was thinking of him. I went straight to sleep after I'd sent that text. I woke this morning to check my phone an...