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Showing posts from December, 2015


I sat across from *George my psychologist and was struck by how dear to me he is. We've been 'working with each other' (that's what George calls it) together now for more than 2 years. 2 years with anyone is bound to build a bond. I like my bond with George. I have literally said things in that small psychology room that I would never say to anyone else. Things I sometimes didn't even realise myself. George has a kind face. His smile reminds me of my Dad. I noticed he had grown a little beard. "Going for the wise and bearded look, eh?" I joked. George chuckled, nodded and tenderly stroked his beard. I could tell he liked it. "So" George took out his diary and put it on his lap. He rarely writes in it, I think he just likes having it nearby. "How did you go with your new year's resolutions this year?" George asked. The familiar twinkle in his eye made me smile back. I hung my head. "I uh...I didn't do too ...

Strong...cos I gotta be

So it seems Alun and I have swapped personalities. Alun is now in a very deep depression. His happy mood from before didn't last long. Al is anxious all the time. Frightened. Al doesn't sleep well and rarely eats more than a few bites all day. Because the Sales Agent AND sellers call and threaten us with all manner of hell in Court costs and Court whenever either of our phones go off, Alun jumps. Seeing Alun so ill at ease breaks my heart. The baddies are winning. Alun and I are exhausted. But apart from being physically tired, I'm filled with God's strength and power and I'm OK. I'm not scared . Not one bit. I know this strength is from God because I'm not a strong person. I usually fall apart but this time, I'm PISSED OFF and FULL OF FIRE. While I've got this strength, I'm liaising with the lawyer, I'm emailing, researching, learning more about real-estate law, making calls, keeping the house tidy, making sure A...

"And if not...He is still good"

I read that quote a long time ago and something deep in my spirit said quietly "yes". When things go wrong, God still IS. He is good and He is faithful no matter what. That's what I have had to hold on to, through this trial with the stupid house Alun and I are buying. From day one, I've felt uneasy about the house sale. 2 months in, and we've discovered we've been the victims of fraud, lies, harassment, bullying and all manner of heartache. I've cried and worried every night since we signed the original contract earlier in October. Thankfully, Alun and I have come to breaking point. It took until 3 days before the Final Settlement - but at least we got there. It all kicked off when we arranged to meet face to face with the buyers. At this point, settlement was 2 weeks away. Because the contract had been changed (AARGGHHHH!!!) to allow the sellers to live in OUR house for the next year, Alun and I had become instant and very unwilling, un-knowi...