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"And if not...He is still good"

I read that quote a long time ago and something deep in my spirit said quietly "yes".

When things go wrong, God still IS. He is good and He is faithful no matter what.

That's what I have had to hold on to, through this trial with the stupid house Alun and I are buying.

From day one, I've felt uneasy about the house sale. 2 months in, and we've discovered we've been the victims of fraud, lies, harassment, bullying and all manner of heartache. I've cried and worried every night since we signed the original contract earlier in October.

Thankfully, Alun and I have come to breaking point.

It took until 3 days before the Final Settlement - but at least we got there.

It all kicked off when we arranged to meet face to face with the buyers. At this point, settlement was 2 weeks away. Because the contract had been changed (AARGGHHHH!!!) to allow the sellers to live in OUR house for the next year, Alun and I had become instant and very unwilling, un-knowing landlords. I was so angry about this. Alun was calm and said we could learn from it all. So onwards we went. Albeit begrudgingly from me and trustingly/hopefully from Al.

We met at "our new house" with the Sellers on a Monday evening. The husband, "Carlos" - looked like a brother or close cousin of *Marcus - the lying, deceitful, disgusting Sales Agent. Carlos even had the same inflections in his voice and same accent.

Oh God.

The wife - the one who solely owned 'the estate' - let's call her "Myrtle" - was another thing altogether.

I disliked her instantly. 

Something deep within rang alarm bells. When she shook my hand firmly and looked me up and down as if I was covered in dog poo...the alarm bells rang louder. She assessed me the way I imagine a cat assesses a wounded mouse.

"Would you like to sit?" her voice - even and cold - invited us, as she gestured grandly to the kitchen table.

She was stunning.

Myrtle sported a slim, gorgeous figure. She was my exact height. She had skin the colour of tea with loads of milk in it. Big, brown eyes, long eyelashes, high cheekbones, a round, gorgeous "moon face" and gorgeous, wavy dark hair that was tied up in a pony tail but still fell in glamorous, gorgeous waves down her back.


Myrtle wore a silk, polka dot blouse (looked expensive) with tailored black pants. So simple and yet she looked as if she should be the front of a magazine.

We all sat around the kitchen table. Carlos (the husband) smiled warmly "So good to meet you guys"

Myrtle just raised an eyebrow.

"We're so glad to finally meet you guys, too" Alun responded warmly.

Myrtle didn't say a word. Instead, she held out her gorgeous, manicured hand to Alun, motioning for a copy of the Lease Agreement.

"Would either of you like a glass of water?" She asked.

I felt as if we were in a business conference room - not a family kitchen.

Alun and I nodded "yes please" we both said.

Myrtle rose gracefully - like a Queen. She carefully poured water from a fancy glass bottle into two glasses that looked and felt as if they were made of handcrafted from fine crystal.

She sat again at the table after giving Alun and I a glass. I held the crystal carefully in my hand. Myrtle flipped to the front page of the lease agreement and proceeded to run a dainty finger along the bottom of every, single word.

Carlos, Alun and I sat quietly and just watched her. Something about Myrtle commanded silence and respect. I hated every minute of it.

I can't explain why - but I hated her, too.

"Uh - what's this?" She suddenly said, pointing at the 'start' and 'end' dates on the lease - written by Alun and I to uphold the ONLY part of the house contract that was something we were happy with - the strict 11 month lease which would allow Alun and I to move in and occupy the house within the 12 months that the Taxation office demanded and would be investigating in person closer to the time.

"It's the 11 month lease we all agreed on a month ago" Alun said quietly.

"Yeah, well I'm not moving by the 9th of November next year. I'm not sticking to such a stringent date" Myrtle said. Her voice was like smooth ice. Cold, even...and not be questioned; "You need to be more flexible with these dates".

Excuse me?

"I am not moving a day until we're comfortable to do so" Myrtle continued, slightly - very slightly - raising her voice. "If our house build takes a few weeks or months more, then we're staying until it's complete. And by complete - I mean carpets, furnishings - the lot. I want to move in and not have to do a thing"

"But if we go over the 11 month lease, Janet and I will lose the First Home Buyers privileges...and you've already signed your agreement to these terms on the contract" Alun gently reminded.

How Alun managed to remain warm, kind and friendly when I wanted to jump up, throw my fancy glass of water in Myrtle's face and punch her in the ovaries was beyond me.

"No offence, Alun - BUT I DON'T CARE" Myrtle responded, levelling her gaze and narrowing her beautiful eyes. "I have a baby son - do you expect me to walk the streets with him if my house isn't complete on time just so you can have a stupid grant?"

Oh now you've done it. You DARE speak to my Alun like that? Oh no, no no. NO, you piece of sh*t.

(sorry Jesus for the swearing).

I shifted in my chair - ready to stand, and cleared my throat to speak - to swear. TO SHOUT.

Alun saw and shook his head quietly. His eyes pleaded with me to not say anything.

My love for this man rose up and silenced me.

"But what happens to Janet and I?" Alun asked quietly.

"That's not really my problem" Myrtle smiled sweetly. Her smile lit up her beautiful face. "I'd like you to change these dates to cover a full 12 months. Then I'll sign" she smiled again.

How someone so horrible on the inside can look so beautiful on the outside really confused me.

Myrtle pushed the papers back to us. "We'll see you out" and she stood.

And the meeting was over. Just like that.

And so was my patience.

I waited until we got home, but I exploded.

"Alun, this is NOT ON!" I shouted.

Alun was quiet. He was so pale and so tired from a long shift at work. He shrugged. The empty shell of the boy I love so much looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Let's just change the dates" Alun sighed.

I left it at that. My exhausted husband didn't deserve my stubbornness. I wasn't going to argue with Alun - this wasn't his fault.

We went to bed and Alun was asleep in moments. I was so angry, I was shaking.

I don't know why, but Myrtle bothered me. She bothered me right down to my bones. Alun and I had given in and given in and given in every day and every week for the last 2 months and yeah, it bugged me - but this last concession bugged me more than the whole stupid house contract altogether.

We were bound to the contract of Sale (and all its "new" clauses - sneakily added by Marco AFTER we had signed) and were following through on what we had been tricked into - but Myrtle was free to pick and choose what she did and didn't follow in the contract? She signed for 11 months but now was refusing to move out?

I didn't sleep.

I didn't sleep for the next 32 hours.

Then I shattered.

I tried to kill myself.

My fragile mind and emotional state couldn't take it anymore. This house sale has been more taxing on Alun and I than I understood or recognised until it was almost too late.

Alun saved me. That's all I'll say about the whole suicide attempt.

Rescuing me galvanised Alun.

My empty, exhausted, quiet, beaten-down husband suddenly transformed. He rose up to his full height. With a voice full of power, he said "FUCK THIS, JANET. NO MORE SUFFERING. LET'S GO AFTER THEM"


Hello's been a long 2 months since I last saw you. Welcome back :)

So the next day, we saw a Lawyer.

The Lawyer held his face in his hands and shook it with his eyes closed once we finished telling him everything we'd been through.

He puffed his cheeks and blew out air.

"Right guys, here's what we'll do"

The plan so far is to get out of the contract altogether, based on the very stipulations that held Alun and I captive in the first place. The Lawyer said we needed to fire our settlement agents ("mates" of the Sales agent, *Marcus - he'd chosen them 'on our behalf' - they were just as shonky and shady as he was) and not sign the final settlement papers - not by any means.

The Lawyer also said that since the House Sale is dependant on finance from our bank - we needed to change this immediately. Alun and I contacted the bank and told them we both weren't sure we'd have employment next year. This is true. When Alun's graduate nurse program ends - he doesn't have a job. My contract ends every December 31st. It gets renewed every year - but it is never guaranteed.

If the bank then rejects our offer and sends documents supporting us, stating we can't financially afford the house...

...then this will end the sale. We hope.

The Lawyer said Marcus (the Sales agent) will fight with all his might to push the house sale through - and to expect strong opposition from the sellers.

Alun raised his chin in defiance and said "Bring it on"

I couldn't be prouder of my husband.

So yeah. We're in a scary, dark place. A place of just not knowing what the future holds. The Lawyer we saw said the sellers can SUE us and FORCE US to buy their house.

So really, we're in a very precarious place - maybe one that was worse that before.

But you know what? I've not been this happy in so long.

My strong, cheeky, mouthy husband is back. We are finally back to being a united team. If it all goes wrong, at least the sellers and the sneaky agent know not to f**k with the Thomases. Never again.



  1. Hey! Easy out! If they reject conditions and refuse to settle the contract, they're breaking it, not you. So you walk away without penalties. And you absolutely could not be "flexible" on moving in dates.

    I'm glad you're OK and things will get sorted.

  2. Demanding clauses but refusing yours, that's a big no-no. Not how contacts work.

    I suggest:

    1. Kill someone

    2. Bury them under their patio

    3. Make anonymous call to the police

    :) xxx


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