I wanted to spend time remembering things that make me smile today.
Here goes:
I remember when I slept at the Ambrose's house in the room they made just for me. With floral bed covers (Mrs Ambrose gave them to me - they're in my cupboard crying out to be used again but I wanted to save them for a special occasion), wicker furniture and pretty pictures. I love that a family loved me enough to make a room for me.
I remember getting off the plane from Darwin when I first saw Matt after 11 years. That was a HUGE weekend and I went through so much...to come home to my 4 best friends (Sonya, Jess, Caris and Gracie) waiting at the airport 'arrival gates' meant everything to me. I cried at the sight of them. I'd held in tears on the long 5-hour flight home but when I saw my best friends...I knew I could let out the heartache. That's one memory I'm so thankful to God for.
I remember weighing 52 kilos and LOVING getting dressed every morning. To get up, survey my 'tiny' clothes and think "hmm...what shall I wear today?" with a WORLD of options each day...was incredible.
I remember being so close to God. At the back of my mind, tiny Janet was worrying everyone else would think I was crazy...but I was close enough to God to not care about what 'everyone else' thought. I went through some really tough times and had to make some tough decisions, but I did it all with integrity. I'm actually really proud of myself. Jon's parents were LIVID, my own parents/family abandoned me...and I took it all on the chin, didn't say a single word back and just leaned on God. I look back at the 'me' then and have to shake my head. Outstanding.
I remember laying out at the park on a sunny day with Gracie. A lot of the memories closest to my heart involve my best friends. I'm so thankful.
I remember dating and living life like I was 17 again. What an incredible opportunity and I grabbed it with both hands. I remember Mike's deep kisses, Patrick's warm laugh, the incredibly sexy way Gary looked leaning against a pole at Mandurah train station and the first time Alun held my hand...it was all such a great experience.
I remember getting a High Distinction for my online Uni Course. Oh the PRIDE :) I worked hard and was rewarded handsomely. SO blessed.
I remember going to the Real Estate Company and collecting my first ever keys for the apartment right above Mom's in the city. My FIRST HOME ON MY OWN. I remember going in and sitting on the peach tiles and just singing happily when the apartment was empty because I didn't have any furniture. I didn't care that it was empty...it was beautiful and it was my very own. FAVOURITE memory, right there.
I remember when I first slept over at Alun's. It was a winter's night and my feet were really cold. He tucked himself behind me and rubbed his feet over mine until my feet were warm and comfortable. Now I'm gonna marry him :) How time flies.
I remember going to the movies for the first time in a long time with my family. Mom, Dad and Jay to the right of me. Mom was playing with the buttons on her chair, Dad was eating a cheese plate (why?) and Jay was beside me nudging me and rolling his eyes at our parents. BLISS.
I hope I can write again soon about more recent 'favourite memories'...the ones above seem like they happened a lifetime ago.
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