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You are mine

I do a new thing lately where I try to see people through God's eyes. I struggle to grasp how deeply and widely and amazingly He loves each of us so instead, I've managed to look at people as if I'm the one who loves them.

I will see a guy on the bus, rubbing his hands together to keep warm and I'll find it adoreable. A voice in my head will say "someone loves him. So much. Someone waits to hold those very hands he's trying to keep warm and someone and loves the safe, warm feel of them" and I really like that. I'll see a woman on the train, weary from a day's work and walking with a slight limp because she's been in uncomfortable heels all day and I'll hear that voice again: "someone loves her. So much. Someone she will complain to about her sore feet who will rub them better and make her laugh after a long day".

And do you know what's interesting? Now that I see people through eyes of love, I've not seen an unattractive person in months. Everyone seems to radiate with something really beautiful about them. Something wonderful. I'm noticing highlights in people's hair, their dimples when they smile, how soft and smooth their hands are, how weathered their faces when they're elderly - and yet, so lovely. I'm noticing the jumper that looks just right on them, how the hem of their jeans is just the right length, how their eyes are shining and bright, how their voice is so warm and friendly when they're on the phone. I'm noticing freckles, scars, teeth, skin, eyes, fashion sense, tones of voices, laughter - and it's all really, really beautiful.

"Someone loves them"

I hear as I look all around me.

It's moreso with dear friends because I know I'm one of the 'someones' who loves them :) So I see them through these amazing new 'lenses' where the people I love are just stunning to me. My friend Becci recently sent me a picture of herself and her baby girl Bella and oh my heart - they were both so gorgeous I could have cried. My friend Claudette teases me about saying it to her, but she honestly has the most beautiful, warm brown eyes I've EVER seen. Just stunning. She's absolutely gorgeous and really daggy and it's an amazing combination. My friend Marc has the BEST laugh. Hands down, it's infectious, warm and wonderful and I do some pretty 'out there' things just to hear it.

And Alun.

Oh my gaad.

That man is just PERFECTION.

I love every tiny pore on his skin. I love every little hole that every hair sprouts out of on his head. I love his sexy scars, his little chin, his hands, feet, and everything in between. I love the one peice of hair that sticks up at an angle at the back of his head and makes him look like a little boy. I love that his toes are curly and cute. I love the hairs on his legs and arms. I love that the back of his head is an even, straight line and is just so beautiful.

I look at him...and I honestly think my heart will burst. He's just so gorgeous.

This new way of seeing people also made me think of a scene in a movie I recently watched. In "everything, everything", the main character - Maddy - is in love with a boy called "Ollie". Her Mom tries to stop her seeing him by saying "He's not your Ollie. He probably belongs to someone else"

And it got me thinking...

...Alun is not just Alun anymore. He's my Alun. I'm not just 'Janet' anymore - I'm Alun's Janet. My friends who are in relationships belong to their partners. I love that. So much!

I want to address those of you without your other half, now. Don't lose hope or think you've been forgotten about or that you're doomed to live a lonely life because I truly believe - 100% - that you will be someone's. That someone out there loves you. That you WILL fall in love and that you WILL spend your life with someone who truly believes the sun rises and sets in you. I believe that if I didn't know you, I'd hear that voice "someone loves them" when I look at you and God would point out all your best physical qualities to me. I know in my heart that someone will meet you and love you for all that you are and that God will put a huge spotlight on all your best bits just for them. I truly believe that even though you haven't met them yet, someone longs to see you at the end of a hard day. Someone thinks of you as they're at work and wonders how you are. Someone will smile even when you've been annoying as heck just because you're smiling and they can't help but smile along with you. Someone is going to look at you the way I look at Alun and LITERALLY love you FROM YOUR HEAD TO YOUR TOES. Someone is going to hold your hands and love the feel of them. Someone is going to kiss your forehead and tell you "it's going to be ok" when you're going through a hard time. Someone is going to walk beside you, grinning like an idiot because they're so happy to just be next to you.

You are someone's.

Hang onto that.


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