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And we're off

 I can't stop blogging, I bloody love it.

So...I'm back :) hooray!

It's the very end of October, everyone in Perth is free to meet/go out as much as we please (woo) and a lot of homes are getting excited about Halloween. I think even if I wasn't a Christian, I wouldn't be thrilled about it. I don't like scary things. Why do people want to celebrate ghosts and monsters? I've never understood.

So life in the world of Janet is actually going really well just now.

(I feel I should whisper that so LIFE doesn't overhear me and say "oh really?" and quietly arrange for a bus to run me over and shut me up).

I got offered a permanent, full time position for a huge-ass Engineering and Construction company that has offices all over the world. The job pays better than any other reception job I've ever had. They offered me a 5 grand raise to 'entice' me to accept the job. 


So I'm earning a lot, and I also really like this job. I love reception, I have a lot of experience in it. Because it's such a huge company, there are 2 receptionists on the front desk all day. I work closely with another lady who I can't figure out the age of. She seems older than me...but then I'm 43 and that still shocks people as they think I'm in my 30' God alone knows how old Tanya is? But I'm thankful because she's really nice. Tanya is softly spoken and really sweet. She's nice to everyone and I'm blessed because she's really, really nice to me. Thank you, God.

My boss is Donna and she is basically me if I ever worked my way up the Corporate Ladder. She's the Executive Assistant to the Company's CEO so she's as high as you can get, really. Donna also races around doing the cleaning sometimes - just to help someone - or re-fills the vending machine - because she says YES to everything and wants to please everyone - see how she reminds me of me? I feel so protective over her and hope I can do more as I get settled to take a bit of weight off her shoulders. We'll see.

The 4th part of the team I'm on is Megan who is really, really sweet. She's dorky but confident, really tall and really pretty and slightly on the chubby side but absolutely amazing. I have someone I can sing and dance with and tell stupid things to. We seem to work really well together so I like coming into work each day. I feel like I'm doing an important service with 3 of the nicest people. I'm really blessed.

Things with Alun and are better because for the most part, Alun is doing better. He is happier in his new job with the Emergency Department, so I'M able to focus on myself and that's made ME happier, too :)

God is so good. Thank you, Abba Father.

I saw a diagram once that said out of 3 things, a person was only able to pull off 2 of those things really well. In my life, my 3 things are work, friends and marriage. Work is going great, Alun and I are happy and close...and I've not seen or spent time with a beloved friend in what feels like all year :( I miss my friends but I'm SO TIRED when I get home from work that I just put my pjs on and watch tv, then early to bed so I can get up and be on time for the next long day at work. This is a great job, but LONG hours and whatever I have 'left' at the end of the day and on the weekends goes towards time with Alun or time racing about maintaining our home and garden.

I'm just glad we don't have a pool!

Or kids.

Yeah, I said it.

My friends are AMAZING parents but I don't think I could ever be one. I can't imagine how much it takes out of them to care for little ones when they've worked a long day and have to clean the house as well. I don't know how they do it.

Not me! OMG.

Anyway. I'll write again soon.

Just wanted to tell you I'm back :)


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