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My awesome Hen's sparkling high tea - Part 2

Again, every single detail of the wedding was blessed of God and robed in His awesome favour. I had a wonderful Hen's afternoon with caring, kind, sweet, beloved friends.

We had booked in a table at the Hyatt (ooo! Posh!) for their afternoon tea - which was a high tea but later in the day with copious amounts of sparkling wine/champagne and the most gorgeous little bites of sweets and savouries I had ever seen. There were little 'food stations' and an icecream bar! It was amazing! I should have taken more pictures of the restaurant and food but I'm afraid all my pictures are of the friends I love who came along and blessed me beyond measure.

Kelly came to pick me up and brought Sevasti with her. I've only known "the cool kids" (the name we've given ourselves - Kelly, Sevasti, Dianti, Sarita, Amy and I) for a few months while I worked at "Clarks" but you know what? They've become my closest friends and fit in easily with the people I already love so much.

It began with Kelly's beautiful email out to all the "Cool Kids" when I was still working as Receptionist at *Clarks, which was sent out about 2 months before the wedding. It said "the beautiful Janet is marrying her gorgeous Alun on 9th May. Let's throw her a Hen's party on the 3rd May (the Saturday before the wedding). Can everyone please bring their money ($50 each - sooo expensive but so worth it!), wear their prettiest dress, wear a flower in their hair and bring a letter of advice for Janet about marriage" and had a picture of Alun and I cheek-to-cheek on a Sunny Perth day that Kelly got from my facebook account.

Oh Kelly. I love it. I love that you've done this for me. Thank you so much. What a great idea putting flowers in our hair and I love letters! I hugged myself excitedly as I replied to Kelly's email.

The day arrived and so did Kelly and Sevasti - armed with gifts.

"I hope you don't mind, I don't want to intrude on your bridesmaids, but I made you a veil, brought you a pink tiarra and a pink sash to wear at your Hens" and Kelly shyly handed the beautiful things she made and bought over to me.

IOh wow! loved them! I cant believe she made the veil herself, it was lovely.

"We also bought you this" Sevasti said with a hug as she gave me a small blue box. I opened it to find a delicate blue garter belt. "It could be your something blue if you don't already have something in mind?" Sevasti offered. We all hugged in excitement.

Oh. So beautiful.

I didn't have any of this at my last Hen's night 14 years ago ( OLD am I?)...this was wonderful and everything felt like it was happening for the first time.

I donned my veil, flowers in my hair (Caris bought them for me), my pink sash and excited smile and the 3 of us headed out.

I spent the afternoon in bliss because being surrounded by the people I love is my favourite.

We ate, we drank, we laughed, we giggled, we found a particular photo (for some unknown reason) of the Cool kids awkward so to make us laugh, Amy lifted up her skirt and flashed her undies. She is now a favourite of all the cool kids. I loved looking around our table at each beloved face of my friends. I was so blessed that they all got along so well. I received so many hugs and blessings and ate too much cake...and had the best afternoon ever.

Before paying the bill (Alun put $50.00 in my purse, bless him. I was worried about how I was going ot pay for this), I gave each beloved friend a mini jar of m&m's and a card I'd written them weeks ago. I love my friends. It is such a blessing sharing such a special afternoon with them all. There were only 11 of us, but everyone had much such an effort to come. Looking across at the faces of Amy S, Amy H, Sevasti, Sarita, Kelly, Dianti, Roz (who didnt know anyone else but still came to my Hen's), Caris, Jess, Sonya (who is a new Mom and was probably exhausted but still made the effort to be there for me, bless her)...every girl there was in a gorgeous dress with flowers in her hair.

I took the girl's letters (and cheeky Amy's box of Viagra) home with me. I think I floated all the way home on a cloud of happiness.

Here are some pics of the Hen's Sparkling High Tea:

The awesome Veil Kelly Made (!) and the Tiarra and Sash I wore:

Aww :) Sonya, Jess, Caris and I...friends of old reunited at last. (Pity GRACIE didnt make it to my Hen's night. She blew me off for a boy. Grr - otherwise, this picture of 'the old Uni crew' would be complete)

  Caris (one of my bridesmaids) and I

Roz and I

Amy H and Sarita (2 of the "cool kids") and I

Kelly (another cool kid) and I

Dianti, Amy S, Sevasti and I

Amy S (who, incidentally - paid the $500.00 deposit for the Wedding Reception at Etro when Alun had no work and I was struggling to save for it. Amy insisted in it as her wedding gift and blessed us both more than I could ever put into words)

Me before the Hen's afternoon - waiting for Kelly to arrive

Alun messing about in my 'Hens' things


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