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this is what I know

I've had such a good run lately that when depression came a'knocking - it floored me.

I forgot it could do that, you know. I forgot it could come back and visit whenever it wanted.

And so it has.

I pray it has only come about because of my lady pains. These ones have been particularly painful. They are so painful in fact, that I think I'll be staying home from Church tomorrow. And I LOVE going to Church.

So, this evening, I'm going to "Katniss Everdeen" it. When I was reading the Hunger Games books (a bloody good series - let me tell you!), one part really struck me. Well, two - but I'll blog about the other one another time :) The part that I'll talk about today is the part when Katniss has gone through so much trauma that to settle herself, she reminds herself what her name is and what district she's from.

Tonight I'll do something similar.

This is what I know:

My name is Janet Daniels-Thomas (God willing, it WILL be one day. Haha).

Alun is the best person I know. He is made up of kindness, care, love, generosity, persistence, determination, curiosity, hopefulness, happiness and bravery. I'm the most blessed girl in the world because I get to be the other half of him. I thank God for this honour every day.

I'm watching "the Power of One" right now and thinking of my friend Marc. When I left England, I left him a copy of the book which at the time and even now seems really strange. Why did I do it? Because of the power of one. Marc may think he's only one person. He may feel at times that he only has one friend in the whole world. But he's wrong on both counts. He's not only one person - he's one of the best people in the world. He's one of the smartest people I know. He's witty and hilarious. He's determined and he's someone I'm proud to call my little brother - one I chose for myself because something about him spoke to my heart on the first day I met him and in the 8-9 (more?) years to follow. He makes a HUGE difference in my life. Marc means the world to me. He also might think he only has one friend - but I'm fairly sure there are a group of at least 10 of us who love him to bits. And even if Marc only did have one friend - that one friend is worth a million others.

My Mom loves me. Sounds like something a little kid would say to themselves. But I know in my heart of hearts its true. We're both crazy, both a little psycho, both pretty insane...but no matter what I go through in life - I know I hold a place in my Mom's heart. I know it in my bones. That's pretty cool.

I have wonderful people around me who I am honoured to call my friends. My best friend Christabel who pushes me to strive for more and to be better and stronger, my other friends who are inspirational to me in so many ways. They are strong mothers, warriors in their fields at work, faithful wives, tireless teachers...they are stars. I love each and every one of them with all my heart.


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