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just write

I was browsing the shelves in Dymocks bookstore the other day. There is something about bookstores and Libraries - something profoundly comforting about stepping in and feeling all the stress and worry leave my body. I love bookstores for the way they provide the new and exciting...and I love Libraries for the way they welcome rest and leisurely time.

I think I've read an entire book in one sitting in a Library before. I was so engrossed, time just slipped by. It was an old-fashioned "pick a path" book and I kept choosing horrible things. Haha. It was a good laugh and I enjoyed it so much.

Anyway, I was in the bookstore the other day and I picked up a book called "249 creative stories to write" or something like that. It was a book for young teens, I think - because it had "tell a story about your favourite class in school" as one of the options. I still loved it, though. Basically, it was a book with a few lines at the top of a page and then just blank lines. It would introduce a 'creative writing' idea (eg "you meet a version of yourself from the future - what conversation do you have?") and let you write away.

I really wanted to buy it!

I love to write!

But then, I thought - if it's for kids and I'm 40 years old...then maybe I shouldn't. So I slowly and somewhat sadly slid the book back onto the shelf.

I'm writing today just to keep my blog alive. I don't have any news to report - nothing awesome or devastating - just life rolling on by. I swear, the older I get, the more the days seem to speed up. We're in Feburary already and I cant remember January! Where did it go?

So I just write.

About nothing. About everything.

I am a "facilities manager" now in my new role instead of "just the receptionist". This means I have a lot of emails and am responsible to make sure everything on our floor runs smoothly. I'm forever answering emails to fix things and doing my best to stay on top of it all. I must be doing a good job as I've not had any complaints yet - and they extended my contract for a few more months. Hooray!

I love where I work and I've made a bunch of new friends. They're all pretty wonderful in their own ways. It's surprising even to me - but my favourite person at work is an older guy - he's 50 something - and he looks just like I imagine Dracular would look. He even has a 'transilvanian' accent. He is tall and thin and has dark circles around his eyes, grey hair and a very solemn face...and he tells the best stories. Hamid is awesome!!! I made a 'deal' with him where I get to ask "one question per day" and every time I ask him something - I come away thinking "WOW" because he's pretty amazing and has led an amazing life so far. I would never have guessed how soft-hearted he is, how much he loves his wife and completely adores his baby daughter. I would never have guessed he served 2 long years in an active, brutal war and that he now hates war - or violence of any kind. In return for my 'one question', Hamid asks me a question - and his questions are so thought provoking! He's asked me what my favourite age to be is (32. Always 32 - best year of my life), whether I have dreampt anything that has then happened in my actual life (mind. blown), what makes me truly happy (Alun, of course) and other questions that make me really have to think. I ask stupid things "how are you?" "What's your favourite drink/meal/colour/movie" but Hamid patiently answers. I've even managed to get a few big grins from him and hear his laugh. It is wonderful. And now? Hamid is taking our questioning up a notch and assigning me homework! I have to watch "the reader" with Kate Winslett in it and tell him what I thought.

I love this!

Oh yeah.

I lost my train of thought.

I'll write again soon.


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