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something unexpected...

...thats what Gary was.

There he was in the back of the cafe, wearing the red 'tripleJ' cap and tanned long sleeve shirt that he texted me to look out for. He was bent over Uni books, cap down and shoulders slumped and I thought to myself "if this guy is as good looking as I think he's gonna be...there is going to be trouble"

I took a deep breath and put my hand out while softly asking "Gary? is that you? Hi...Im Janet"

He looked up and had the biggest brown eyes I had ever seen. He looked like Disney had drawn him...or some Chinese Anime' person - because they draw eyes MUCH TOO BIG for a person's head...well, they were Gary's eyes. Warm, brown, huge and had flecks of gold in them.

Over the next 2 hours (that passed by in seconds because we had so much fun)...I noticed his eyes twinkled whenever he laughed (which was a lot) and he has cute little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He also has straight, even teeth and a personality that I thought could only come in the form of J.

Gary and I hit it off RIGHT AWAY. I said the most random, weird, crazy things and he'd just nod, stroke his chin and add to it. We bounced off each other like we'd been friends forever and I found myself laughing so hard at one stage I thought Id burst. The honest, kid-type of laughing where if you even LOOK at each other, it makes you giggle? that's what Gary brought out in me. I was ME with this guy and you know what? it felt GREAT.

I havent laughed like that since being with Jon. I didnt think ANYONE could get my humour like that...but there is now someone else who gets me. Gary was really cool and because im seeing Mike and Gary KNEW that from the get-go, there was no sexual tension, no reason to impress, the walls came down and I was ME and he was who HE was and we had a great time.

A really great time.

I smiled all the way home on the bus and giggled just remembering things we said to each other and I sang in the shower for the first time in a LONG time.

This is a hint of what we talked about:
picking noses, chillies, chocolate, enemas, stalking, dating, wet patches (dont ask), being hairy, weddings, policemen, drinking too much, drinking too little, studying, laughing at inappropriate things, threatening seagulls and pies...

...and everything was easy. Everything was fun and sweet and really cool and I had a great time.


Hands down.

Me being ME though...I had to blog because yeah...Im questioning myself and what Im doing and wondering why being with Mike doesnt make me giggle and want to sing in the shower.

This weekend has been a HUGE emotional roller coaster, seriously.


Yeah. he did.

Mike usually texts on an afternoon to see how I am and let me know what he's up to. To make things worse, Id actually come clean to Mike on Thursday night about alot of things (dont ask) so was in a pretty vulnerable state when we both hung up. I REALLY needed assurance that things were okay on Friday - more than any other day - and it wasnt there. Mike had gone. He was NOT contactable AT ALL and remained that way all weekend.
I called Mike today on the way home from my coffee date with Gary and he finally picked up his phone. He was really happy and laid back and answered with a friendly "sup". I could have KILLED HIM I had been so damn worried. I said "MIKE!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???" and had to refrain from screaming. He laughed (!!!) and said "oh yeah...about that...I lost my phone, hey? then it lost power...oops"


When was he going to call me and tell me he was okay???

Im glad Mike's okay cos that means now I can KILL him.


Anyway, we talked for a few minutes, I told Mike I'd been worried. I heard his sexy (dammit) laugh on the phone and he said "you need to worry less, Janet". I said "Mike, after being worried you were hurt, i was worried you'd left me! if youre going to do that, at least TEXT me, ok?" he said "omg you panic too much. I have not left you. Im your boyfriend, not going anywhere, ok?". I couldnt help but smile - he called himself my boyfriend. so its not just in my head.

boys. grr.

As for Gary, I told him about Mike AGES ago and we have been just friends since then. We chat about stupid things online and agreed to meet up in person because he was studying in Perth (he lives far away normally) and wanted to catch up over coffee while we were both in the same vacinity. I wasnt expecting to have my world shaken so much by someone...especially when I wasnt looking for it. But yeah...even NOW Im thinking of Gary. Wow.

I had a good weekend...just chilled out on Friday night and then spent last night at the Ambroses in the special "Janet Room" they have made just for me. I love it. From floor to ceiling its girly, pretty, simple and classic and I love every inch of it. I loved crawling into my "janet only" bed and had a great sleep. Pete and Lyn are so much fun to be around and its like I have another family around. This morning I climbed up onto their high kitchen stools and Pete made me breakfast and we laughed and talked and ate copious amounts of toast and I had a really nice time. Funny how "home" can come in so many different forms, hey? I cant believe they made a room just for me. I cant believe how they got it so RIGHT, as well. Floral bedspread, TONNES of cushions (they all match) pinks and hues of yellow and daiseys in a jar in the corner...I love my room. The Bible speaks of God 'making a room for us' when we arrive in Heaven...I can imagine my room in Heaven being ALOT like my one at the Ambroses. That's how good it is.

I talked to Patrick tonight on msn and as always, found it easy. I dont have to over-think things but still make alot of mistakes. Still, it was nice to talk to him. He always signs on 'msn' as "away" but always answers my messages right away. Also, when I thought about it, Patrick has NEVER left me hanging for an entire weekend. Even when he's p*ssed off with me, he'll still message and remind me that things are 'ok' so that I dont worry.

Not sure what Mike's deal is.

I need to relax more, seriously.

My heart is exhausted!!!

I am off to bed.

Boys, eh? xx


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