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This. Is. Forty (40).

If you haven't experienced them yet - your 30's are going to be the BEST years of your life. When I was younger, I always thought I'd like my 20's the most but it's when you get to 30 that life finally starts making sense to you. 30-40 is where it's at. Believe me. It's because you're still young enough to look sexy but mature enough to know what to do with all that sex appeal :) it's because you're old enough to be taken seriously, but young enough that people will still cut you some slack. Physically, you're strong, fit and able and mentally, you're excited, focused and ready.

You're earning a decent wage at this age and still young enough to enjoy fun holidays. You're earning enough and young enough to enjoy having money. Enjoy this stage of life, you guys - because YOU MAY NEVER GET TO THIS POINT IN YOUR LIFE AGAIN.

Being in your 30's means you've hit that perfect point in life where everything - EVERYTHING works out really, really well. Relationships are fun and exciting but steadier than they were in your 20's. A lot less BS and "game playing". A lot more honesty. Friendships are deeper and mean more. Your relationship with your parents changes from being embarrassed/exasperated by them - to really liking them as friends and getting to understand them more.

Music is fun because you can listen across a huge range of genres. You're not 'so old' that you only like the classics and you're not 'so young' that you only listen to "noise". You get to hear all the songs with meaning, fun, and awesome sounds.

Life is so good.

Then you get to 40.

And things that never hurt before now ache constantly.

My knees do a weird thing now where they creak. Especially in cold weather.

I do a little 'roll forward and roll back' thing now on the couch where I have to gain momentum to get up and off the couch. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?

I have to dye my hair every 4 weeks to cover the greys. Because now, there are hundreds of them.

I get tired so quickly, so easily now - and it takes so much longer to recover from this type of tiredness. SO MUCH LONGER.

I have a lot less patience for some things (bullying, being rude)  and a lot more patience for others (the elderly, people who are unwell) than I used to.

I get excited about home decorating, cooking (well okay - Al does all the cooking...but I'm still excited about it!), gardening (who would have thought, eh?) and SLEEPING. I am obsessed with rest. I love it. So much. Any time I can just get into bed is a time I really, really look forward to.

I now prefer a good book and warm cup of tea to a night out with friends.

I mindfully eat cake and think about the ingredients, how it feels on my tongue, how much I like the silence as I sit and eat it on my own and how grateful I am to be able to buy such a thing. I was never like that before.

I'm out of breath all the time. As if I've been running - but I'm only tying my shoelaces or in my latest astonishment - just pulling leggings on for this afternoon's yoga class! What on earth?!?

It's easier to get injured in your 40's and harder to physically heal/recover. I have a big bruise on my arm from walking into a doorknob at home and it's been there all week. It hurt like a bastard walking into the doorknob and it hurts everytime Alun pokes it (he loves poking bruises! Argh!).

I'm starting to tut and shake my head at "young people" when they behave badly in public and I don't understand when crotches of pants started at guys' calfs! They hang SO LOW that it just seems ridiculous to me.

I feel like I'm more aware of life. Of being. I'm aware that even as I try to rush through the day, I'm 'speeding' time up and that really, I should take things as slowly as possible - because life goes by so very, very fast.

It's already March the 7th, guys!!! Where did this year go??? I still remember opening gifts on Christmas morning with Alun as if it was yesterday - and yet it was months ago. How did so much of the year go by without my knowledge?

Also - and here's one of the worst parts of being 40 - you gain weight really, really quickly. Mostly around your mid-section - AND TRYING TO LOSE IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE.

In my 20's, I would exersize maybe once or twice a week - netball, swimming in waterholes, riding my bike or just messing about with friends - that was all. I ate constantly. Everything and anything I wanted. And I stayed at a pretty good weight for most of the time. I put on a lot of weight towards my late 20's. Just through being plain lazy and eating waaaayyyy too much. For a looongggg period of time.

In my 30's, I decided to get fit and to lose weight. This consisted of 'cutting down' (not totally getting rid of) on unhealthy food and going to the gym 3-4 times a week for about 20 minutes each session. Usually on the cross-trainer - because it's my favourite peice of equipment. It still is. Followed closely by the treadmill. I lost 30 kilos very, very quickly. I loved it. I saw results almost every week and getting smaller and healthier was like a walk in the park. Too easy.



I went through about 10 months (!!!) of eating NO JUNK FOOD AT ALL and going the gym EVERY SINGLE DAY for NO LESS than AN HOUR each time - and I lost 11 kilos.

I had to work SO HARD for each of those kilos.

I got fed up and stopped (just the eating healthy - I kept on with the gym) for 2 months AND GAINED 5 KILOS BACK.


This is so hard.

Going to the gym is so tiring. So gruelling - and for what? To lose hardly anything at all!!! And if I want to keep what I've lost OFF, I have to ATTEND DAILY GYM SESSIONS and work my butt off (literally) each and every time. There is no room in your 40's for a day off!!!!

And yet, a day off is what you find yourself obsessed with.


What is life?


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