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Lady in Red

I see her every morning as I walk the underpass from one train station to the next - the lady in red.

She's about my height, slim and about 50ish years old. She has an amazing hourglass figure and short blonde hair, combed (and probably straightened) into a perfect bob. This lady wears dark sunglasses with large frames. I only ever really see her from behind so I can't really describe her face but she always wears the same style of dress - fitted, tailored nicely in an expensive but always plain fabric. It will either be black, blue or red and she will always have a matching handbag and shoes. She always wears a pearl bracelette which looks like a long pearl necklace that she's tied around and around her slender wrist, pearl earrings to match and a pearl necklace. Her dresses finish at just below the knee, are sleeveless and really classy. Really simple, really classic and really lovely.

She's old school in the way that she presents herself.

See the source image << Her dresses are JUST like this one...and she has the same figure as the lady in this picture, but is just older. And her heels don't have the 'peeptoe' at the front.

I call her 'lady in red' because her red dress is my favourite. She matches her red dress to a bright red handbag and she never carries her handbag on her shoulder - she carries it daintily in her hand or hangs it prettily off the crook of her elbow. She always wears high heels that 'click clack' as she walks along with the rest of us - usually about 50 or so of us - from the main station in the city to the underground station for longer train journeys out to amazing places :)

My favourite 'outfit' is when she wears her red dress but wears tiger-print heels and carries a tiger-print handbag. She'll wear her glasses on the top of her blonde hair but I don't often bypass her so I don't know what colour her eyes are. Probably blue.

I think she's the type of woman who knows exactly what wine goes with what type of protein. She probably "summers in France" and has led a life of priviledge - but not too fancy - just "comfortable". This lady probably doesn't drink coffee because it stains her teeth. She probably hates smoking but doesn't mind the scent of a cuban cigar every now and then. I imagine this lady likes tea out of a proper porcelain (sp?) teacup. Never out of a coffee mug and God forbid a plastic cup. It has to be "just so". I think she probably was made to learn/play the piano when she was younger. She probably went to Private Schools and was envied by the other girls but also teased by them for being 'posh' or 'stuck up'...but I don't imagine she is stuck up - she is probably really friendly once you get past the barrier of how she looks and acts.

She's actually really nice :) you know how I know? Because I spoke to her for the first time today.

I have been watching her walk to work (I assume she works? Maybe she has enough money that she just comes into the city to shop every day? What does she keep in her handbag, I wonder?) for weeks now, quietly admiring her outfits and how lovely she looks and as the weeks have gone on, I felt the calling more and more to just tell her.

Tell her she looks wonderful.

So today, I did.

I waited until we were basically walking side by side. I took one earphone out and leaned slightly towards her, smiling brightly and said "Hello!"

She did a double-take - the "are you talking to me? or someone else?" one we probably all do when a stranger starts talking to us.

"Hello?" She offered back, returning my smile with a look of curiosity.

"I just want to tell you that I see you walk to work every day and and I think you always look lovely"

Her face immediately lit up and I was rewarded with a big smile.

"Oh my gosh! Wow, really?"

"I love all your dresses. I especially like your red one with your tiger print bag"

She laughed "I love that one, too! You've made my day! Thank you!"

...and she turned to follow the pathway to the left while I turned to the right to take the stairs down to my connecting train to work.

And that was that :)

See you tomorrow xx


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