Yesterday, Alun came into the bathroom waving a pink envelope happily.
"I assume this is for you" he said, smiling - handing it to me. Along with the pink envelope were 2 roses - one yellow and one cream.
The roses were small with delicate petals. They were beautiful and smelled heavenly. The roses didn't have long stems - it was mainly just the buds - as if someone had carefully plucked them from their front garden. There is something very special about home-grown roses. They smell so much better than store-bought roses and the petals are softer and silkier.
I love them :)
Something else I love - is stationery. And man, I don't know what it is about letters in particular...but they mean the world to me. I love letters. So much! I love writing them and OMG I love receiving them.
But with my depression and anxiety at an all time high - I was instantly wary.
"This might be from Kira - she might be having a go at me"
Alun frowned "Oh yeah - you're right - want me to take a look?"
And I nodded - tears welling in my eyes at the memories of the painful past with someone I loved very much - and gave Alun the envelope back.
I hope it wasn't Kira having a go at me. I know she's been through a rough time, and the last time she emailed me, she wasn't in a good way herself. I have no idea what to expect from her anymore. I just know I miss her. I miss Terry...and omg...I yearn to hold baby Arlen in my arms. He's probably too big now to hold but oh how I'd love to see see them all, really.
Anyway - back to the letter.
Alun carefully opened the envelope, read the letter inside and raised his eyebrows at the end. Alun smiled and passed the envelope back to me.
"You'll love it" he said. Alun hugged me and walked away whistling happily.
I looked down at an A4 sheet of paper. It was a beautifully written letter - typed and printed so I couldn't recognise the handwriting.
It was from an "Anonymous" person who wanted me to know I was cared for and to not give up hope.
Words are my love language so this letter was like a warm hug to me. The words reached out and held my heart gently - like having a dear friend squeeze your hand. I loved the letter.
"You don't need to know who I am" it said "Just know I care"
Well whoever you are - I hope you are reading this because you made my day. Thank you for your letter. I hung the roses you gave me upside down and when they're completely dry, they'll join your letter in my "happiness jar"
Thank you for writing to me. Thank you for risking whatever you did to come to my home and place the letter and the roses in my post box. I appreciate it so much and I really needed the encouragement you sent me xx
"I assume this is for you" he said, smiling - handing it to me. Along with the pink envelope were 2 roses - one yellow and one cream.
The roses were small with delicate petals. They were beautiful and smelled heavenly. The roses didn't have long stems - it was mainly just the buds - as if someone had carefully plucked them from their front garden. There is something very special about home-grown roses. They smell so much better than store-bought roses and the petals are softer and silkier.
I love them :)
Something else I love - is stationery. And man, I don't know what it is about letters in particular...but they mean the world to me. I love letters. So much! I love writing them and OMG I love receiving them.
But with my depression and anxiety at an all time high - I was instantly wary.
"This might be from Kira - she might be having a go at me"
Alun frowned "Oh yeah - you're right - want me to take a look?"
And I nodded - tears welling in my eyes at the memories of the painful past with someone I loved very much - and gave Alun the envelope back.
I hope it wasn't Kira having a go at me. I know she's been through a rough time, and the last time she emailed me, she wasn't in a good way herself. I have no idea what to expect from her anymore. I just know I miss her. I miss Terry...and omg...I yearn to hold baby Arlen in my arms. He's probably too big now to hold but oh how I'd love to see see them all, really.
Anyway - back to the letter.
Alun carefully opened the envelope, read the letter inside and raised his eyebrows at the end. Alun smiled and passed the envelope back to me.
"You'll love it" he said. Alun hugged me and walked away whistling happily.
I looked down at an A4 sheet of paper. It was a beautifully written letter - typed and printed so I couldn't recognise the handwriting.
It was from an "Anonymous" person who wanted me to know I was cared for and to not give up hope.
Words are my love language so this letter was like a warm hug to me. The words reached out and held my heart gently - like having a dear friend squeeze your hand. I loved the letter.
"You don't need to know who I am" it said "Just know I care"
Well whoever you are - I hope you are reading this because you made my day. Thank you for your letter. I hung the roses you gave me upside down and when they're completely dry, they'll join your letter in my "happiness jar"
Thank you for writing to me. Thank you for risking whatever you did to come to my home and place the letter and the roses in my post box. I appreciate it so much and I really needed the encouragement you sent me xx
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